In our country, a large ratio of the population doesn't use toilet paper. Instead, they use soap and water. So, for places that has water interruption, it's a serious problem.
My room mate started washing his laundry as soon as I woke him up, but only a few minutes later, I rushed up to the toilet without any bucket for water. On the way, I grabbed the tabo(dipper) from where my room mate put it. Without any guns and ammunition aside from a tabo, i faced the a terrible war with my stomach. While holding the dipper, I went through enemy by enemy without holding back. There were explosions everywhere until I reached for the flag of victory.
The tabo saves the day. Thanks to that broken tabo with scotch tape, i managed to win the war in Toilet Republic. Now my room mate have freedom to wash his laundry again.
Room mate to Georel: "Enemy spotted!"