Whew! This is not as easy as I thought. Making a 200 pesos last for a quick is very impossible. This only shows that the economy is really at it's worst not only in the Philippines as well as in other countries.
Why do I want to do this? I want experience for my self and at the same time tell my my readers how most of the poor people live with just a dollar in a month. Yes! You read it right. It's really possible to live with just a single dollar. And worse, in some cases, they don't have any money at all.
I'm not saying that I am rich or something. Actually, there were also downturns in my life when I'm also like these people I mentioned. For them, 200 pesos is already good for a week and for a whole family of at least 3-4 children.
I also experienced not having anything to eat and not having any money at all but this is not my story. We have a larger picture to consider. As of day 1, 165 pesos was left from the original 200 pesos. I'm ashamed to say that it's worse in day 2. After making the report for day 1, I wasn't able to prevent my self from eating. Having 1 cup of rice in a meal doesn't satisfy me. That meal, in addition to my day 2's brunch and dinner, costs a total of 72 pesos. Before writing this entry, I also spent 15 pesos for a bread snack. That would be a total of 87 pesos for day 2. It's almost half my budget for this challenge.
Subtracting 87 pesos from yesterdays balance of 165, I now only have 78 pesos to spend. *sigh* I think tomorrow will be the last day. How far can my 78 pesos go?
Hello world!
1 day ago