Money is very hard to earn but very easy to spend. In the present situation, a single dollar(PhP 48.54) is not enough to support one person in one day. In food alone, an individual would likely spend around PhP30 for one meal. If the person will eat 3 times a day, then a hundred pesos will be fair enough.
Daily expenditures would depend on the persons situation. A student will most likely spend more on transportation and academic things. A responsible father will like spend a huge percentage of his salary for his family's food. A worker would spend a lot for food since he has no choice but to eat in the expensive eatery near his workplace because prices in the downtown area is doubled or tripled.
Riding a jeepney will cost an individual a minimum of PhP14 back and forth. If you want to be more comfortable, you can have a taxi and prepare to pay a minimum of PhP25(non-air conditioned) or PhP35(air conditioned).
Staying at home is not also a bright idea. At home, you will use a lot of electricity when you try to turn on the lights, the T.V.,the electric fan and the computer. If you got hungry you're opt to cook or to buy food. If you cook, you will use LPG, which is also expensive. If you buy, it's more expensive. Whatever you want to do, you need money.
All because of these, I decided to challenge myself. Starting today, I will try to maximize the use of PhP200, which is around $4. How far can it go? Can I make it for a week? Let's see. Now, the challenge is on.